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Aspa Stasinopoulou, Nike III

Nike III by Aspa Stasinopoulou

The piece Nike III is an assemblage by Aspa Stasinopoulou. This modern composition represents a new approach of the iconic Nike of Samothrace. It is part of a series of works inspired by Ancient Greek sculptures. Stasinopoulou’s pieces are typified by the same visual balance of simple, eclectic materials of different artistic styles.

Inspired by Ancient Greek sculpture

Aspa Stasinopoulou draws her inspiration from ancient sculptures. Her piece Nike III represents a new approach of the iconic Nike of Samothrace.

Through different aesthetic paths, adding the metal and nails and the blue neon, Stasinopoulou chooses to propose an industrialised rendition of the ancient sculpture.

Eclectic materials in admirable balance

The artist managed to create a balanced composition using miscellaneous materials.
The dominating features are the:

  • Heavy black metal framing the composition.
  • Nails surrounding the figure of Nike.
  • Blue neon to the back part of the figure.

The use of neon

The influence of Neon Art is prominent in Stasinopoulou’s work. The use of neon gives it originality and a distinct aesthetic approach compared to a traditional work of art. Stasinopoulou so creates a striking contrast and a unique atmosphere in space.

Her life in a nutshell

Aspa Stasinopoulou (1935-2017) was born in Athens. She studied Painting at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts of Paris (1959-1963). There she met Yiannis Tsarouchis, with whom she formed a friendship and an artistic bond. Between 1969 and 1974 she lived and worked in London.

Artistic style

The basis of Stasinopoulou’s works is the expressionist gestural painting. Meaning, the application of colour with free-hand gestures. It is a tool of abstract expressionism, which reveals the artist’s emotions through the recording of movement.

Gradually, the artist enriched her works with the use of photography and other visual media. From 1972 onwards, she mainly worked on spatial art pieces and visual art activities based on assemblages or structures.

Unexpected materials

In Stasinopoulou’s works, everyday materials co-exist with evidence of the present. The balance between them is peculiar and provocative.

From early on, she handled materials such as iron, cloth, nails, boards, dirt, neon lights and transparencies.

Printouts play an important role in her pieces:

  • On fabric or paper.
  • On wooden furniture or boxes.
  • On used cans.
  • Stored inside glass containers or bottles.

Social critique

With her frequently peculiar technique, Stasinopoulou was able to reflect sides of modern social consideration.

The photographs that she incorporated in her works depict scenes from:

  • Political current affairs.
  • Social unrest.
  • Youthful resistance.
  • Military violence.

Once printed on the receiving surfaces, these images are transformed. They understate, ridicule or simply retransmit their message.

An unconventional interpretation of Ancient Greek sculpture

In more recent phases of her work, the artist created pieces inspired by Ancient Greek sculptures. These are mainly memorial statues of the Classical and Hellenistic periods.

She creatively incorporated this material in artistic actions, by interpreting it in an unconventional manner.

The artist herself had said: “A sculpture belongs to the things we are taught to love. Then, we forget them, only to discover them again through other channels.”

Indeed, in her works, past 1990, she designed, created and recreated figures or sections of ancient sculptures. This was her way of introducing them to her own, unique universe.

A recognised artist

Stasinopoulou has held many solo exhibitions in Greece and abroad (Amsterdam and London). At the same time, she participated in many group exhibitions (Athens, London, Washington, etc.). She represented Greece in the São Paulo Biennale in 1985.

In 2009 Benaki Museum hosted a large retrospective exhibition of the artist. On the occasion of this event, AICA Hellas honoured Stasinopoulou with the grand off-competition award.

Stasinopoulou in the Alpha Bank Art Collection

The Alpha Bank Art Collection also features the piece Untitled by Aspa Stasinopoulou. It is an equally large assemblage created in 1990.

The 2 works in the Collection redefine iconic works of Ancient Greek sculpture. The transfer and interpretation of these 2 works to the present reference classical and modern art.

Participation in exhibitions

The piece Nike III was featured in the exhibitions:

The work of art in our publications

The piece Nike III by Aspa Stasinopoulou is referenced in the Alpha Bank publication The Alpha Bank Collection. Greek Art from 1960 until Today, edited by Maria Tsantsanoglou, Irene Orati and Yiannis Bolis. The publication accompanied the same-titled exhibition that opened in Thessaloniki in 2018.

In other literature

The piece Nike III is referenced in the catalogues of the exhibitions:

  • Nike-Aspa, 1994
  • Aspa-Night and Day, 2010

The piece Nike III by Aspa Stasinopoulou hangs on the ground floor of the Alpha Bank building on 41 Panepistimiou Street, Athens.

It can be accessed during the branch days and hours of operation.

Research visits to the Art Collection can be organised upon request.

Contact us to book your visit.