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George Lappas, Mock-up for the Blue Sculpture

Mock-up for the Blue Sculpture
Detail of the mock-up for the Blue Sculpture

The Blue Sculpture by George Lappas is one of the most important pieces in the Alpha Bank Art Collection. It is a reference to the concept of family, as the primary and most fundamental space of socialisation and education. The mock-up of the iconic sculpture is made of iron.

The mock-up of an important sculpture

The mock-up for the Blue Sculpture was created with the use of painted iron, for the needs of George Lappas’ iconic sculpture. Note that the Blue Sculpture was commissioned by Alpha Bank to be exhibited at the Training Centre in Agios Stefanos.

Lappas, an imaginative and intelligent artist, experimented with original and eclectic materials.

The iconic Blue Sculpture

The Blue Sculpture is an imposing sculpture made of painted iron, 6.5 m high.

Lappas finalised the shape of the sculpture after a number of trials. The male front figure, developing vertically, is prominent, with the female figure on top of it. The female is sitting on the shoulders of the male figure, forming the foundation for another 5 smaller figures. One is sitting on her right leg and 4 more on her shoulders.

Moreover, 4 smaller figures are hiding on top of the sculpture.

His life in a nutshell

George Lappas (1950-2016) was born in Cairo. He has studied:

  • Clinical Psychology at Reed College, Oregon, USA (1969-1973).
  • Architecture at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London (1975).
  • Sculpture at the Athens School of Fine Arts, under Giannis Pappas and George Nikolaidis (1976-1981).
  • Sculpture at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts of Paris (1984).

From 1992 until his untimely death in 2016, he was a professor of Sculpture at the Athens School of Fine Arts.

Influences and features of his work

Lappas was awarded a scholarship from the Watson Foundation in 1974 and travelled to India. There he studied Indian sculpture and architecture. He travelled throughout his life and was influenced significantly from his contact with other cultures.

His pieces reflect his thought process on the relationship between sculpture and space. They have an intense scholastic, surreal and mystical side to them.

In 1990 the artist’s technique and themes changed. He turned to more people-centric works, creating life-size figures. These figures feature metal mechanisms made of assembled parts. This allows them to change position and move.

A recognised artist

Lappas participated in the Venice Biennale in 1988 in Aperto. Other significant participations include the Biennale des Jeunes Artistes (1982) in Paris, the Europalia Arts Festival in Belgium (1982), the São Paulo Biennale (1987), the Venice Biennale (1990), the Gwangju Biennale (1995), the Documenta 14 (2017) in Athens and the ANTIDORON exhibition.

His works are found in many private and public collections in Greece and abroad.

The work of art in our publications

The Mock-up for the Blue Sculpture by George Lappas is referenced in the Alpha Bank publication The Alpha Bank Collection. Greek Art from 1960 until Today, edited by Maria Tsantsanoglou, Irene Orati and Yiannis Bolis. The publication accompanied the same-titled exhibition that opened in Thessaloniki in 2018.

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