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Tania Dimitrakopoulou, Reflection I

Reflection by Tania Dimitrakopoulou

The piece Reflection I is part of a broader series of works with similar themes by Tania Dimitrakopoulou. The human form moves the artist deeply. With her expressionist idiom, she creates compositions that capture childhood innocence, as well as the need for human connection with the natural environment.

The piece Reflection I by Tania Dimitrakopoulou depicts 2 boys playing with reeds in the shallow waters of the sea, and seeming to explore their reflections on its surface.

Although the image of the sea dominates, it is the children who are the protagonists, standing at the centre of the composition. Their presence adds a sense of innocence to the scene. At the same time, the simplicity of the design and the soft blue and brown hues exude calmness and tranquillity. The composition reveals Dimitrakopoulou's ease in the use of design and colours.

The painting is part of a broader series of works, in which the painter is inspired by the liquid element and captures scenes of playing, exploration and carefreeness in or by the sea. Childhood innocence, as well as the desire to play and explore symbolise the need for human connection with the natural environment.

Her life in a nutshell

Tania Dimitrakopoulou (1969) was born in Athens. From 1988 to 1991 she studied molecular and cell biology at Kingston University, United Kingdom. She continued with postgraduate studies at City University of London until 1993.

She then returned to Greece and from 1998 to 2003 she studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts, under Dimitris Mytaras and Zacharias Arvanitis.

Favourite themes and artistic style

The human form is central to Tania Dimitrakopoulou’s art and she incorporates it in almost all of her works. However, the painter draws inspiration from anything that captures her gaze and imagination. As a result, apart from people, her work often depicts seascapes, animals, cars and images from exotic places around the world, such as oriental bazaars (souks).

The key features of Dimitrakopoulou's painting style are:

  • Expressionist use of colours
  • Simple designs
  • Abstract forms
  • Soft hues

The painter’s artistic idiom bears mostly expressionist influences.

An important painter

Tania Dimitrakopoulou has presented her work in solo exhibitions in Athens, Thessaloniki, Kea, Brussels, Nicosia and Florence. She has also participated in group exhibitions in Athens, Chalki, Istanbul, Lecce, Paris, and Beijing.

Some of her paintings are included in important collections in Greece and abroad, as well as in Dreams come True, the catalogue of the same-titled group exhibition hosted in 2007 at the Zoumboulakis Gallery. Additionally, Dimitrakopoulou participated in a Greek National Tourism Organisation (EOT) campaign, aiming to promote Greece as a travel destination.

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