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Global Money Week 2024

Workshop at the Kyriakopouleio Cultural Centre in Itea
Museum kits at the Kyriakopouleio Cultural Centre in Itea
Presentation at the Kyriakopouleio Cultural Centre in Itea
Presentation at the Kyriakopouleio Cultural Centre in Itea
Highlight from the presentation at the Amfissa Cultural Centre
Workshop at the Amfissa Cultural Centre
Workshop at the Kyriakopouleio Cultural Centre in Itea
Workshop at the Amfissa Cultural Centre
Workshop at the Amfissa Cultural Centre
Workshop at the Amfissa Cultural Centre
Workshop at the Kyriakopouleio Cultural Centre in Itea

The Alpha Bank Numismatic Collection carried out educational activities on financial literacy for schools, on the occasion of the Global Money Week.

Educational activities for students and teachers in Fokida

Primary and high-school students from Fokida along with their teachers attended a special presentation on the history of coins and transactions at the Amfissa Cultural Centre on 20.03.2024 and the Kyriakopouleio Cultural Centre in Itea on 21.03.2024.

The presentations were carried out by the Numismatic Collection Curator, Dr Dimitra Tsangari. The children got to know the history of coins from antiquity to date and had the chance to ask questions. Moreover they:

  • Listened to narrations about mythical and historical figures.
  • Became familiar with key financial concepts they use in their day-to-day life.
  • Were exposed to the modern transaction methods.

The students then participated in a dedicated workshop designed by the Alpha Bank Numismatic Collection. During the workshop, they:

  • Made coins according to the ancient technique, using clay dies and modelling clay.
  • Explored a jigsaw puzzle-like floor map and located the cities or areas of the coins they had learned about earlier.
  • Designed a coin for their area, as they imagined it.
  • Used stamps to depict ancient coin images.

The museum kits visit schools in Delphi

In March and April 2024 the 2 Numismatic Collection educational museum kits travelled to schools in the Municipality of Delphi. Through this special educational activity, the students had the chance to broaden their knowledge on issues relating to the concept and development of money through the ages.

The activity aimed to get children acquainted with the history of money and transactions, and become familiar with concepts linked to proper financial management.

Educational activities in Fokida

A series of related educational activities were held in Fokida, aiming to raise awareness on financial issues in young people:

  • The “ABCs of Financials” for primary and secondary education teachers. The initiative is carried out by Alpha Bank in partnership with ActionAid and has been approved by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports.
  • The educational workshop “My personal relationship with money” for women of all ages. This workshop is part of the “Economy Lessons”, jointly organised by Alpha Bank and the Women On Top NGO.
  • A seminar on cybersecurity, aiming to raise awareness and educate the public on the main principles of cybersecurity, the types of bank fraud, and the measures individuals need to take to protect their personal and financial data.

Watch the video.